Volumes of literature regarding the understanding of myopia development and potential methods to control its progression.

3D MRI images of the globe. A. 3D images are created by volume rendering based on T2-weighed image of MRI. Then, the images of the eye are extracted. B and C. 3D MRI images of an emmetropic eye. The emmetropic eye is spherical and symmetric in the images viewed from the inferior (B) and nasal (C) positions. D through F. 3D images of the eye with pathologic myopia and posterior staphyloma. Outpouching of the posterior segment, suggesting staphyloma, is observed in the images viewed from inferior (D), nasal (E), and back positions. (F)


Four-Year Progression of Myopic Maculopathy in Children and Adolescents With High MyopiaFeng Jiang, MD1; Decai Wang, MD, PhD1; Ou Xiao, MD, PhD1; et al Xinxing Guo, MD, PhD3; Qiuxia Yin, MPH1; Authors: Lixia Luo, MD, PhD1; Mingguang He, MD, PhD1,2; Zhixi Li, MD, PhD1

Journal: JAMA Ophthalmology

Authors: Biyue Guo, Sin Wan Cheung, Randy Kojima, Pauline Cho
Journal: Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics
Authors: Yu ZhangXiaoxiao SunYueguo Chen
Journal: Contact Lens and Anterior Eye
Authors: Tan Q, Ng AL, Cheng GP, Woo VC, Cho P.
Journal: Contact Lens and Anterior Eye
Author: Zlatin Z
Authors: Zachary Zlatin; Sandra Wagner; Xiaoying Zhu; David Troilo
Journal: ARVO Meeting Abstract (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science)
Authors: Joe Rappon, Carol Chung, Graeme Young, Christopher Hunt, Jay Neitz, Maureen Neitz, and Thomas Chalberg
Journal: British Journal of Ophthalmology
Authors: Jones JH, Mutti DO, Jones-Jordan LA, Walline JJ.
Journal: Optometry and Vision Science
Authors: Rebecca Weng, Weizhong Lan,  Ravi Bakaraju, Fabian Conrad,  Thomas Naduvilath, Zhi‐kuan Yang, and Padmaja Sankaridurg
Journal: Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics
Authors: Jason C. Yam, FCOphthHK, FRCSEd (Edin), et al.

Journal: Ophthalmology

Authors: Jianxia FangZhu HuangYan LongMiaomiao ZhuQin WuXiaojun ChenWei XvChixin Du
Journal: Eye and Contact Lens
Authors: Xiaoying Zhu; Zachary Zlatin; Harrison Feng; David Troilo
Journal: ARVO Meeting Abstract (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science)
Authors: Martin LoertscherSimon BackhouseJohn R Phillips
Journal:  Journal of Clinical Medicine
Authors: Li FF, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Yip BHK, Tang SM, Kam KW, Young AL, Chen LJ, Tham CC, Pang CP, Yam JC.
Journal: Ophthalmology


Digital Screen Time During COVID-19 Pandemic: Risk for a Further Myopia Boom?

Authors: Chee Wai WONG, M.D. M.C.I, Andrew TSAI, M.D. FRCOphth, Jost B. Jonas, M.D, James CHEN, LL.D, Marcus ANG, M.D. Ph.D, Daniel Shu Wei TING, M.D. Ph.D., et al.
Journal: American Journal of Ophlamology

Myopic Maculopathy: What Is It and How Is It Treated?

Author: Xiaoying Zhu, OD, PhD, MD, MS, FAAO
Journal: Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice

Comparison of Administration of 0.02% Atropine and Orthokeratology for Myopia Control

Authors: Lyu, Yong Ph.D.; Ji, Na M.D.; Fu, Ai-Cun Ph.D.; Wang, Wei-Qun Ph.D.; Wei, Li M.D.; Qin, Jian M.D.; Zhao, Bing-Xin Ph.D.
Journal: Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice:May 14, 2020


Clinical observations of the effect of orthokeratology in children with myopic anisometropia

Authors: Weiwei LuWanqing Jin

Journal: Contact Lens and Anterior Eye

Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) spectacle lenses slow myopia progression: a 2-year randomised clinical trial

Authors: Lam CSY, Tang WC, Tse DY, Lee RPK, Chun RKM, Hasegawa K, Qi H, Hatanaka T, To CH.

Journal: British Journal of Ophthalmology


Orthokeratology slows myopic progression in young patients
Authors: Aparna Ramasubramanian MD
Journal: Ophthalmology, April 2019

Pattern of Axial Length Growth in Children Myopic Anisometropes with Orthokeratology Treatment

Authors: Wen LongZhouyue LiYin HuDongmei CuiZhou Zhai, and Xiao Yang

Journal: Current Eye Research


Posterior scleral reinforcement using genipin-cross-linked sclera for macular hole retinal detachment in highly myopic eyes
Authors: Zhu SQ1, Pan AP1, Zheng LY1, Wu Y1, Xue AQ1
Journal: The British Journal of Ophthalmology

The effect of orthokeratology on axial length elongation in children with myopia: Contralateral comparison study
Authors: Na M1, Yoo A2
Journal: Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology

Astigmatism in Chinese primary school children: prevalence, change, and effect on myopic shift
Authors: Chan SE1, Kuo HK1, Tsai CL2, Wu PC3
Journal: Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology


Authors: Fang PC, Chung MY, Yu HJ, Wu PC
Journal: Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics